Share your feedback about developing with Go

The Go Blog

Share your feedback about developing with Go

Alice Merrick, for the Go team
23 January 2024

Happy New Year! The Go Developer Survey is now
, and we want
to hear from you!

Since 2016, the insights from our Go Developer Surveys have helped us identify
key usage patterns, understand developer challenges, discover tooling
preferences, and track emerging trends within the community. Your feedback is
essential in shaping the future of Go, so please take 10–15 minutes to complete
the survey by February 11, 2024. Take the survey

The more developers who participate, the better we’ll be able to understand the
needs of the Go community. You can help spread the word by sharing this survey
on your social media channels, with your co-workers, and in any other relevant

Thank you for your time and feedback!

Next article: Go 1.22 is released!

Previous article: Finding unreachable functions with deadcode

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